This page contains some information on how a pure water fed pole cleaning system works.
Basicly tap water although very safe to drink contains lots of minerals particles and chalk. It is these particles which leave streaks ansd smears on windows meaning traditional window cleaning requires buffing. With this system tap water is fed through a series of different filters including carbon reverse osmosis and deionisation this reduces the particle content from around 400 ppm to around 0 ppm. Since there are virtually no particles in this water the water dries on glass smear free without the need for buffing. The brush scrubs the glass and the water picks up dirt from the glass as clean water does not like being clean. The pole system is also used for cleaning the whites and window sills. The pure water is pumped to the pole and brush from the water container in the van. Pole lengths vary from 4 ft right up to 80 ft Meaning ladders are no longer required and the window cleaner can work quicker and safer and also the householder has more privacy. Also window cleaning has been seen by insurance companies as a dangerous and risky occupation in the past and their insurance premiums for traditional window cleaners have been rising rapidly in the past few years, these rises need to be passed on to the customers so with this system working at height insurance is not required meaning we can keep our prices down. This system is now used by 10's of thousands of window cleaners worldwide and is the future of window cleaning. With ever increasing pole lengths windows can be cleaned from the saftey of the ground which were previously only accessible from cradles and via abseiling ropes. This is the only system accepted by house builders for the cleaning of new house windows as working off ladders on building site has long been banned (they may only be used for access) and is now the only recomended method of window cleaning by the health and saftey excetivive. The main reason householders are put off of this system is the fact the window cleaner leaves while the windows are still wet, this is natural as the windows must dry naturelly in order for the system to work after the first few cleans all soap residue from previous cleaning methods will be washed away and your windows will appear cleaner for longer.